In June 2023, a Proposal of Application Notice was submitted to Fife Council, signalling the start of a statutory 12-week pre-application consultation period. This consultation period provided an opportunity for the public to leave feedback and written comments on the proposals, prior to the submission of a planning application.
A planning application was made to Fife Council on the 25th March 2024,
planning REF: 24/00785/FULL.
A link to this planning application can be found on the planning section of this site, where comments can be made directly to Fife Council.
Located within the Eden Springs Fishery and Country Park, the site surrounds currently host the Eden Springs Fishery. The proposal is for holiday lodge pitches to be located between Eden Muir and Bull Stone Lochs, forming the wider Eden Springs Fishery and Country Park. This remediated previous brownfield site is currently utilised for rough grazing.
Access is from the A92 with emergency access via the A91. The site has easy access and connectivity to the townships of Letham, Cupar, Ladybank and Auchtermuchty.
The wider context has been and is still being used for quarry operations.

community consultation 01.
Held on the 29th July 2023 the following boards were available to be viewed. These highlight the proposal and desgin vision for the site.
community consultation 02.
Held on the 7th September 2023 the following boards were available to be viewed. These highlight the developed proposal and design for the site, taking into account feedback provided from the first consultation event.
The planning application Ref: 24/00785/FULL
is available for viewing and comment on the Fife Council website.
An application was made for a change of use from former quarry to holiday site including the erection of up to 75 holiday lodges, reception arrival building, management/maintenance facilities, play areas, linked network of pathways/footways/cycle ways, car park and associated works.